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Пришел: 10.07.2008
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Пришел: 19.05.2007
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Пришел: 10.07.2008
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Добавлено: 11 июля 2008, 19:28 |
Цитата: | I have badly understood a problem, likely because badly I understand English |
Well sorry about this my grammar isn't the best too, well i understand Russian and can read Russian but i cannot write on Russian lol.
Цитата: | For editing reg-files is better to use 2 programs REG2INI and INI2REG. I have attached them to the message |
Thanks i managed to change the Config.reg file and done all really great thanks for the help.
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Пришел: 27.03.2007
Сообщения: 258
Откуда: НСО г.Бердск
Добавлено: 11 июля 2008, 20:09 |
When will you make your mod,can you give it to us?
Sorry for my english... _________________ Делай уже то сегодня,о чём другие будут думать завтра(с).
EIMax-мой фан-сайт о Проклятых Землях и Затерянных в Астрале.
Пришел: 19.05.2007
Сообщения: 130
Добавлено: 11 июля 2008, 20:41 |
Цитата (Anton): |
Thanks i managed to change the Config.reg file and done all really great thanks for the help. |
You are welcome
Пришел: 10.07.2008
Сообщения: 23
Добавлено: 11 июля 2008, 20:54 |
Evil alpha: actually now i'm only making some edits on the *.Res files and some builds on the Database and adding faces, i'm not making Quests yet, and this is only on tests.
The main idea is that the Group i made(Me and another 2 friends) are working on the Texts, and Story-Line of a Continue game for Evil-Islands... we believe that if Gipat-Group managed to make the Vecna project(even if it had only demo) then we can make a continue too... it might take some years of working but we will make it, and the first Step of our project is already on movement:The Texts, the mod we are making is gonna including every thing from the Original game which we will make but only on a MP game.
And when it will have new Quests i will Upload it, also we will write about our Project here later so you could give us ideas too.
Until now the TestMod that i'm making Include some new things:
1)Kir's and Tai-luns Faces on the MP.(Kir-a-cheatla and tai-lun is the old jun on Djegran)
2)If there were some missing hairs on some faces then there are no more, because after some-work i added all the missing hairs to every face.
3)New matirial which gonna appear on Our main game, is the Purple-Cloth called-Villur it's fully ready... well almost we need to write the Russian texts first.
I'm trying to contact with "Cheater" so i could ask if i can use the missing faces like the "Blind-Brother" and "Lovecatch" and some more.
Well when it will include more things and more Quests i'll upload it.
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Пришел: 27.03.2007
Сообщения: 258
Откуда: НСО г.Бердск
Добавлено: 11 июля 2008, 21:34 |
That's a good idea,has your team own site?
If you have some problems like this,you can ask us about them... _________________ Делай уже то сегодня,о чём другие будут думать завтра(с).
EIMax-мой фан-сайт о Проклятых Землях и Затерянных в Астрале.
Пришел: 10.07.2008
Сообщения: 23
Добавлено: 11 июля 2008, 21:50 |
Цитата: | That's a good idea,has your team own site? |
No as i said before we Fans that started it just like 10 days ago... we are on First steps of the Project which are the Texts and all the Story-Line, while my friends and i working on the storyline i'm learning how to make Mods, and i guess after we will have our own mod and the Story-line will be done we will open our own site(but i'm still gonna stay here lol)
Цитата: | If you have some problems like this,you can ask us about them... |
Well guess what that's why i'm here... well kinda.
I'm here to get help and also to have fun chatting with people. because i'm still learning.
Пришел: 08.01.2002
Сообщения: 378
Откуда: Russia
Добавлено: 12 июля 2008, 00:44 |
Цитата (Anton): | I started to make mods and learn about it and... i just noticed that on your mod you have the Facem31.mmp Facem31a.mmp and all those together with Facem32 facem34 and facem35, well i have a question.
As i know those files are connected to the face of the char that will appear on the bottom of the screen on the Multiplayer and on the start when you choose the char face on the MP. I cannot add the face because i don't really have it lol but as i saw you had the faces and i want to ask... Is the face of Lovcatch and all the other are designed by you or you found the Faces on some kind of *.res files?!
Also offtopic... i managed to add Kir's face to the MP game and also the Old Jun's face from LoA... is that special?! why you didn't added them?! |
Anton, you need to understand how to edit config.reg - *.ini files. As i see it is not hard to you to use REG2INI and INI2REG.
Face of Lovcatch and all the other are designed not by me but by МХ specially for EI-mod. You can use these faces in your mod with the reference to EI-mod and Gipat Group.
As for Kir's face - yes, that is special. He is at least a debil or even en imbecile. So it is something unordinary to see it in a great game.
The textures of male faces from LoA are suited only to the LoA faces figures. They ase reversed in comparison to the original Evil Islands textures and figures. I don't know exactly what is the manner of the reversing, may be mirror reflected. So you can try to edit the textures of LoA male faces in order to fit the original Evil Islands figures.
Пришел: 10.07.2008
Сообщения: 23
Добавлено: 12 июля 2008, 01:16 |
Цитата: | Anton, you need to understand how to edit config.reg - *.ini files. As i see it is not hard to you to use REG2INI and INI2REG. |
Not now after i saw those two programs(well never heard of them before) it's not hard to me to edit the *.reg files and i folly understand how to edit them now.
Цитата: | Face of Lovcatch and all the other are designed not by me but by МХ specially for EI-mod. You can use these faces in your mod with the reference to EI-mod and Gipat Group. |
Thanks i'm gonna give full Credit to Gipat-Group.
Цитата: | As for Kir's face - yes, that is special. He is at least a debil or even en imbecile. So it is something unordinary to see it in a great game.
The textures of male faces from LoA are suited only to the LoA faces figures. They ase reversed in comparison to the original Evil Islands textures and figures. I don't know exactly what is the manner of the reversing, may be mirror reflected. So you can try to edit the textures of LoA male faces in order to fit the original Evil Islands figures. |
Well as you see i already managed to add his face:
Now i need another help. As all the players of EI and EI-LoA everybody saw the new hair on LoA that was exchanged for the original Long hair. Anybody know where to find the *.mmp file or what file it is for this long new hair so i could try to add it?! is it on Figures.res or Textures.res?! and what is name?!
Btw the files that on the Figures.res all are *.bon,*.mod and stuff like that... what they mean?! how to open them?! what are they?!
Пришел: 15.10.2003
Сообщения: 77
Добавлено: 12 июля 2008, 19:34 |
Цитата: | Now i need another help. As all the players of EI and EI-LoA everybody saw the new hair on LoA that was exchanged for the original Long hair. Anybody know where to find the *.mmp file or what file it is for this long new hair so i could try to add it?! is it on Figures.res or Textures.res?! and what is name?! |
In Figures.res
Files: unhuma.fig, unhuma.mod, unhuma.bon
Цитата: | Btw the files that on the Figures.res all are *.bon,*.mod and stuff like that... what they mean?! how to open them?! what are they?! |
It's difficult. Private tool. I know two groups of peoples, who have this tool.
And sorry for my en... Хотя... Пошел ты нахрен.
Зеленый гипатский зануда
Пришел: 18.01.2004
Сообщения: 3420
Откуда: Кызыл
Добавлено: 12 июля 2008, 20:26 |
Цитата (†T$†): | And sorry for my en... Хотя... Пошел ты нахрен. |
...хотя вероятность того, что человек с русским именем, русской виндой, русской версией ПЗ и вышколенным английским тебя не поймёт - очень мала ^_^ _________________ Я желаю всем счастья!
Пришел: 10.07.2008
Сообщения: 23
Добавлено: 12 июля 2008, 21:38 |
Цитата: | Цитата: | And sorry for my en... Хотя... Пошел ты нахрен. |
:D ...хотя вероятность того, что человек с русским именем, русской виндой, русской версией ПЗ и вышколенным английским тебя не поймёт - очень мала ^_^ |
T$ Go to hell you can kiss my ass dude i understand read but not write on English haha lol. you damn... i don't wanna flame it was unnecessary from ya So plz if you could explain about the models... and about this program i'll be happy... even if you will have to do this on Russian.
Пришел: 15.10.2003
Сообщения: 77
Убийца троллей
Пришел: 24.12.2001
Сообщения: 3548
Откуда: Курск
Добавлено: 13 июля 2008, 22:22 |
судя по скриншотам, венды у него английские. Хотя и не исключено что прикалывается чел. _________________ Мы уйдем без следа, ни имен ни примет.
Этот мир простоит еще тысячи лет.
Нас и раньше здесь не было - после не будет.
Ни ущерба, ни пользы от этого нет. (с) Омар Хайям
Пришел: 10.07.2008
Сообщения: 23
Добавлено: 15 июля 2008, 14:38 |
Thanks to all of you for the help.
when i'll have more questions i'll come and ask.
thanks again!